Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Suite Cloud IDE Download / Install in eclipse

SuiteCloud itself is available through an Eclipse update site. The plugin is installed as any other Eclipse plugin:
1. Open Help > Install New Software…
2. Click Add…, set Name to “SuiteCloud IDE” and set Location to; click OK.
3. Once the list of plugins populates, select the SuiteCloud node and click Finish

ref :

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

UIScrollView won't scroll (Storyboards)

Two things turned out to be necessary:
1) Set height of scrollview to 480.
2) Add constraint to the bottommost field in the scrollview. The constraint was Pin >> Bottom Space to Superview.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wcf-The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded?

Wcf-The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded?

You should set maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" to increase message size. Try to change config to this:

                  maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" />


Monday, November 10, 2014

sql server finding duplicate on one column but using select where

sql server finding duplicate on one column but using select where

SELECT Id, Terms, Track, Active
FROM QueryData
WHERE Terms IN (
                SELECT Terms 
                FROM QueryData
                WHERE Track = 'Y' and Active = 'Y' 
                GROUP BY Terms
                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

SELECT ArticleId
FROM Image2Articles
WHERE ArticleId IN (
                SELECT ArticleId 
                FROM Image2Articles
                GROUP BY ArticleId
                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Run MongoDB as windows service.

Run MongoDB as windows service.

Step 1 : c:\mongodb\bin>; mongod --dbpath "c:\mongodb" --logpath "c:\mongodb\log.txt" --install --serviceName "MongoDB"

         Now, mongod is created as windows services.In order to start this service("MongoDB") follow 'step 2'.

Step 2 : service can be started using the command line -------->  net start "MongoDB".

Reference link :

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hold execution after showing UIAlertView

// Displays a UIAlertView and returns the index of the button pressed.
public static Task ShowAlert (string title, string message, params string [] buttons)
    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource ();
    var alert = new UIAlertView {
        Title = title,
        Message = message
    foreach (var button in buttons)
        alert.AddButton (button);
    alert.Clicked += (s, e) => tcs.TrySetResult (e.ButtonIndex);
    alert.Show ();
    return tcs.Task;
Then you do instead:
int button = await ShowAlert ("Foo", "Bar", "Ok", "Cancel", "Maybe");
Source :

Friday, March 7, 2014

Xamarin studio is not showing StroryBoard Editor Option

Sometimes xamarin studio does not show up Storyboard editor option. as shown below.

Xamarin Studio has a option for Check for updates : then this window will show up, 
then select alpha channel, and install the Alpha mode, then u will get the option for open the view in storyboard editor. Bcoz xamarin studio is providing this feature only in Alpha mode.

after installing the alpha channel version we will start seeing this option.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Story : One night a King had a dream

Once in a ancient times one King saw a dream that : He became very sick, all his hair is gone, he became very thin and very old.

the next day morning he called one astrologer ( ज्योतिषी ) and told about the dream he saw ..
the astrologer heard everything and told to the king "You are going to live very long, you are going to see your son dying, you are going to see your great grand son dying also.

the King announced to hung the astrologer till death and it happened so.

Then the King called another astrologer and told about the dream he saw ..
the astrologer heard everything and told to king that "You had a very good dream, you are going to live very long, you will see your fourth generation also alive, your son, grandson, great grand son are going to rule your Kingdom" and the second astrologer got rewarded with Gold prizes and priest has been praised very much.

So what is the Moral My friends ??