Saturday, July 6, 2013

List all WorkSpaces in TFS, Removing TFS workspaces from old users or old computers

to list all the workspaces

c:\projects>tf workspaces /owner:* /computer:*

When working with Microsoft Team Foundation Server, sometimes it can be necessary to cleanup old workspaces.  For example, when a computername is re-used, and the same local directory is used by the new user to map a TFS folder.

You need the tool tfs.exe, which is installed togetcher with Visual Studio.  You can start a Visual Studio Command Prompt. I tested the procedure below on Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010.

In the commands below, replace serveraddress with your TFS http or https address, e.g.  You can find it in Visual Studio: menu "Team", menu-item "Connect to Team Foundation Server...", button "Servers..."

The existing workspaces for some "computername" can be queried with this TFS command:
tf.exe workspaces /computer:computername /owner:* /format:detailed /server:serveraddress
You get a list of all workspaces, with the existing mappings. It is the workspace name (behind "Workspace:") and the owner that you need in order to delete the workspace.

Now run this TFS command to remove the workspace "workspacename" for owner "owner":
tf.exe workspace /delete workspacename;owner /server:

The following example displays a list of all workspaces for the current user on the current computer.
c:\projects>tf workspaces
c:\projects>tf workspaces /owner:* /computer:* /server:https://***

ref :,

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